Society for Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture (SIFA) is a registered body set up to promote sustainable fisheries and aquaculture industry in India. SIFA is promoted by a team of professionals supported by Fisheries Experts with rich experience in fisheries and aquaculture from all over the country. The prime aim of SIFA is to bring the latest technologies, products, services, equipment & machineries to benefit the fisheries and aquaculture industry to increase fish production and productivity to achieve Blue Revolution. SIFA will serve as a common platform to represent all stakeholders of the fisheries sector including the fishermen, farmers, hatchery owners, equipment manufacturers, input manufacturers, feed companies, dealers, processors, traders, exporters etc. Under SIFA it is planned to organise National and International Exhibitions, Forums, Meetings, Conferences, Seminars, Symposia, Training programmes etc. to support the development of Fisheries and Aquaculture.
About Us
Society of Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture (SIFA) is committed to strengthen the fisheries eco-system by investing in advanced fisheries science, technology, education, training, quality regulation and conserving fisheries resources. Our motto is to accelerate the transition to more sustainable, profitable growth in Fisheries and Aquaculture systems.